AS - New Govt. band freqs.

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Re: AS - New Govt. band freqs.

Post by cartman » Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:39 pm

That maybe the case now but up to recent times the DMR user on 467.6250 was the RMS bridge security contractor - however they have moved recently to 468.8375 still in DMR Mode.
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Re: AS - New Govt. band freqs.

Post by cartman » Thu Sep 03, 2015 12:07 pm

I have been wondering what was going on with the ACMA database as there was no new enteries over the last two weeks

All has been revealed today

The ACMA have just commissioned a new database called "SPECTRA" on 2nd September 2015.
You can search by Postcode, Frequency and Date as the one search criteria
Eg 2000-2999, 460-512Mhz between 01/08/15 and 31/8/15
Its great ...

By the way 468.8375 Licence 1991444 is allocated on 11/8/15 to the NSW Telecommunications Agency (Low Power) Tx SW Pylon Sydney Harbour Bridge
Professional Scanner nut. Ibis bin chicken of radio scraps
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Re: AS - New Govt. band freqs.

Post by matthewn1983 » Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:06 pm

Thanks for update.

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Re: AS - New Govt. band freqs.

Post by JAFO » Sat Sep 05, 2015 4:38 pm

All new simpler spectrum licensing system coming shortly too apparently


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Re: AS - New Govt. band freqs.

Post by cartman » Sun Aug 07, 2016 10:17 am

NSW Ambulance on 468mhz around Port Macquarie - all analog

467.6500 167.9. Comboyne - hearing ambulances calling up
468.8500 167.9. Mt Cairncross
468.9000 167.9. Jolly Nose
469.6375 167.9. Transit Hill
469.7000 167.9. Middle Brother - Hearing " wauchope 493"

The only voice active frequency heard was Middle Brother and Comboyne. Carriers only on other frequencies

Update: Strongly suspect that the ambos have just changed the site repeater frequency and left the offset tone the same. Should be relatively simple to update the profile information by looking up the location in the Acma database for the new Government Band frequency. Seems to be a work in progress
Professional Scanner nut. Ibis bin chicken of radio scraps
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Re: AS - New Govt. band freqs.

Post by cartman » Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:53 pm

More loggings this weekend

467.5625 - 156.7 - NSW Ambulance - Boonanghi
467.6000 - NSW Ambulance - Bowra Sugarloaf
467.6250 - NSW Ambulance - Yarrowitch
467.6375 - 156.7 - NSW Ambulance - Crescent Head - In use
467.6500 - 167.9 - NSW Ambulance - Comboyne West
467.7625 - Essential Energy - Mt Yarrahapinni
467.7750 - 110.9 - Essential Energy - Middle Brother
467.8000 - Port Macquarie Base Hospital
467.9625 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Crescent Head
468.0000 - Essential Energy - Mt Cairncross
468.0500 - 156.7 - NSW Ambulance - Dorrigo
468.0625 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Kempsey
468.1000 - 156.7 - NSW Ambulance - Mt Yarrahapinni
468.1375 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Mt Cairncross
468.2875 - 114.8 - Essential Energy - Point Lookout Ebor
468.3250 - 107.2 - Essential Energy - Middle Brother
468.3875 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Bowra Sugarloaf
468.4000 - Essential Energy - Mt George
468.4750 - Essential Energy - Mt Yarrahapinni
468.5125 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Jolly Nose Hill
468.5375 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Mt Yarrahapinni
468.5750 - Corrective Services - Kempsey Prison
468.5750 - NSW Ambulance - Yarrowitch
468.7875 - 110.9 - Essential Energy - Point Lookout Ebor
468.8375 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Transit Hill
468.8500 - 167.9 - NSW Ambulance - Mt Cairncross - In Use
468.9000 - 167.9 - NSW Ambulance - Jolly Nose Hill - In Use
468.9625 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Yarras, Mt Seaview
469.0625 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Telegraph Point
469.3375 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Middle Brother
469.3750 - ENC P25 - NSW Police - Middle Brother
469.6375 - 167.9 - NSW Ambulance - Transit Hill - in use
469.7000 - 167.9 - NSW Ambulance - Middle Brother - in use
469.8125 - NSW Ambulance - Kempsey
Last edited by cartman on Sun Sep 11, 2016 5:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Professional Scanner nut. Ibis bin chicken of radio scraps
Uniden 325P2, Whistler TRX-1, GRE PSR800 x 2, Uniden 780 x 3, Uniden 796, Uniden 396 x 2, Uniden 246,
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Re: AS - New Govt. band freqs.

Post by citabria » Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:51 pm

Nice work Cartman!

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