DSDPlus 2.165 Fast Lane Released

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DSDPlus 2.165 Fast Lane Released

Post by matthewn1983 » Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:58 pm

For those of you who are subscribed to the DSD Fast Lane Edition

DSD+ 2.165

Fixed a monitoring threshold issue

Added decoding of additional P25 Phase II messages

Fixed a Fusion audio decoding/synthesis bug

Added decoding of more D-Star GPS messages

Made changes to Con+ network map decoding; now also includes a progress indicator

More DMR TIII messages decoded

Added support for the DMR TIII CPS-P3 numbering plan. If all talkgroups and radio IDs
seen on a TIII system only use values in the range 1048577 to 16743880, the operators
are likely using CPS-P3. If ", CPS-P3" is appended to the network's entry in the
DSDPlus.networks file, DSD+ will translate the AI (air interface) talkgroup and radio
numbers to their equivalent CPS-P3 values. Do NOT make this change for TIII systems
that are not using CPS-P3.

Original .networks file entry: TIII, 1000:13, "AcmeInc", 5

Original talkgroup: 1048577
Original radio ID: 1048600

Updated .networks file entry: TIII, 1000:13, "AcmeInc", 5, CPS-P3

CPS-P3 talkgroup: 328-20-900
CPS-P3 radio ID: 328-20-223

CPS-P3 talkgroup format: prefix-fleet-group
CPS-P3 radio ID format: prefix-fleet-unit

Prefix range is 328 to 806; typically, different prefix ranges are assigned
to each radio shop / airtime provider in a large TIII network

Fleet range is 20 to 89

Group range is 900 to 999

Fleets 20 to 41 can have unit values from 200 to 899
Fleets 42 to 89 are limited to unit values 200 to 549

FMP24 2.47

Some stability improvements

FMPA 2.25

Added support for bias tee control. Use -T1 on command line to power Airspy bias tee.
Bias tee is powered down when FMPA exits.

LRRP 1.19

Added support for very large datasets (100,000+ data points);
datapoint rendering speed has been increased by roughly 20 times.

Added maximum data age control. Use [ and ] to control maximum age of displayed datapoints.
Current limit is displayed in map window title bar.

Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2018 9:20 pm

Re: DSDPlus 2.165 Fast Lane Released

Post by axe101 » Sun Mar 31, 2019 8:59 am

Depends on how deep into DSD you are, but does anyone want to share their log files at all to do a merge? I’m mainly logging Orion in VIC at the moment but I’m more than likely moving back up to Sydney later this year.

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