For all those people in the slow lane who dont like paying for software like me, Santa has just dropped off the latest DSD version into the freebies basket
The first two downloads are the files to make it work
The last one is the changelog since the last public version
DSDPlus 1.101 released
DSDPlus 1.101 released
Last edited by cartman on Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Professional Scanner nut. Ibis bin chicken of radio scraps
Uniden 325P2, Whistler TRX-1, GRE PSR800 x 2, Uniden 780 x 3, Uniden 796, Uniden 396 x 2, Uniden 246,
DSD v2.368, Unitrunker, Trunkview
Uniden 325P2, Whistler TRX-1, GRE PSR800 x 2, Uniden 780 x 3, Uniden 796, Uniden 396 x 2, Uniden 246,
DSD v2.368, Unitrunker, Trunkview
- Bigfella237
- Posts: 1899
- Joined: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:11 pm
- Location: In geosynchronous orbit above the Far South Coast of NSW, Australia
Re: DSDPlus 1.101 released
Excellent! I don't use it enough to warrant a subscription but it will be nice to have a few bugs fixed.
Looks like having to close the program to edit aliases is fixed, hopefully that bug with the hits & timestamps being all zeroes is too, I'll give it a go now.
Thanks Grant
Looks like having to close the program to edit aliases is fixed, hopefully that bug with the hits & timestamps being all zeroes is too, I'll give it a go now.
Thanks Grant
- Bigfella237
- Posts: 1899
- Joined: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:11 pm
- Location: In geosynchronous orbit above the Far South Coast of NSW, Australia
Re: DSDPlus 1.101 released
Still no scroll bar on the event log window?
The "all zero" time stamp bug seems to have been fixed, and I can now edit existing entries in the groups/radios/etc. files, but I still can't delete entries (well I can, but with the program running it adds them straight back in again).
I wish we could edit the display colours, or at least have some kind of alert when an ID without an alias pops up? That would make logging a lot easier.
The "all zero" time stamp bug seems to have been fixed, and I can now edit existing entries in the groups/radios/etc. files, but I still can't delete entries (well I can, but with the program running it adds them straight back in again).
I wish we could edit the display colours, or at least have some kind of alert when an ID without an alias pops up? That would make logging a lot easier.
- Posts: 1534
- Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:41 am
Re: DSDPlus 1.101 released
Is there a guide around where you can automatically place the 4 windows within the screen upon execution of the file?
- Bigfella237
- Posts: 1899
- Joined: Fri Feb 26, 2010 3:11 pm
- Location: In geosynchronous orbit above the Far South Coast of NSW, Australia
Re: DSDPlus 1.101 released
Can't remember where I found this but I add the following to all my BAT files as a reference:
Note that anything preceded by "REM" is ignored by the computer.
EDIT: Forgot to mention (you probably know already), coordinates 0.0 is the top left corner of your primary monitor, so positive numbers move right and down as they increase, negative numbers move left and up (if you have multiple monitors).
Code: Select all
REM ---------OTHER OPTIONS--------------------
REM DSDPlus [options] Live scanner mode
REM DSDPlus [options] <file Decode from .wav file
REM DSDPlus -h Show help
REM Info below in the [] is the default value
REM ---------DISPLAY/LOGGING OPTIONS--------------------
REM -- Don't show command line options in window title
REM >file Create log file
REM >>file Append to log file
REM -t Time stamp log file entries
REM -T Time stamp log file entries and on screen data
REM -v<num> Frame information verbosity (0-4) [-v2] (-v0 Minimal Output -v3 Maximum Data Logging)
REM -wsl<v>.<h> Source audio waveform window location [10.10]
REM -wss<h>.<w> Source audio waveform window size (min 50.200; 0 blocks) [200.300]
REM -wsp<num> Source audio waveform window update period (10-1000) [100]
REM -wel<v>.<h> Event log window location [50.50]
REM -wes<h>.<w> Event log window size (min ?) [400.500]
REM -weh<num> Event log window font height [15]
REM -wcl<v>.<h> Channel window location [90.90]
REM -wch<num> Channel window font height [15]
REM ---------INPUT/OUTPUT OPTIONS--------------------
REM -i<spec> Input audio device (1-255) and channel (M/L/R) [-i1M]
REM -g<num> Output audio gain (0.001-999; 0=auto) [-g0]
REM -o<spec> Output audio device (1-255; 0=none) and channel (M/L/R) [-o1] (in/out channels are optional; default=in:mono, out:mode based - Use -o0 to disable output audio)
REM -Och <file> Output audio file channel count and name/type [-O DSDPlus.wav] (ch: M=mono,S=stereo,blank=auto; file: .wav or .mp3 (NUL=none) - Use -O NUL to disable recording of synthesized audio)
REM -I<num> Create new .wav/.mp3 file every <num> minutes (1440=daily) [-I0]
REM -M<num> MP3 ABR kbps per channel (8-32) [-M15]
REM ---------DECODER OPTIONS (Setting the protocol can provide slightly better decoding results)--------------------
REM -P Invert signal polarity (may be required for X2-TDMA and dPMR)
REM -mp Optimize for PSK modulation (will not decode non-PSK)
REM -fa Auto-detect all protocols / frame types [-fa] - Polarity of signals is auto-detected
REM -fd Decode only D-STAR (no audio)
REM -fn Decode only NXDN4800 (Kenwood NEXEDGE and Icom IDAS)
REM -fN Decode only NXDN9600 (Kenwood NEXEDGE)
REM -fr Decode only DMR/MotoTRBO (TDMA inputs + both output slots)
REM -f1 Decode only P25 Phase 1
REM -fx Decode only X2-TDMA
REM -fp Decode only ProVoice
REM -fm Enable dPMR decoding (no audio)
REM -1 -2 Use one of these to control which DMR voice slot is decoded and synthesized
REM -u<num> Unvoiced speech quality (1-64) [-u3] - Lower values (slightly) reduce CPU load
REM ---------ADVANCED DECODER OPTIONS--------------------
REM -dr<num> Rolloff filter (1-11; 0=auto) [-dr0]
REM -dh<num> Hotspot size (1-8; 0=auto) [-dh0]
REM -ds<num> Scaling factor (50-80; not used with D-Star or ProVoice) [-ds64]
REM -dd<num> Damping level (1-100; not used with D-Star or ProVoice) [-dd10]
REM -dv<num> Viewport size (1-30; not used with D-Star or ProVoice) [-dv20]
REM ---------ACTIVE KEYS--------------------
REM ? Display active keys list in event log window
REM 1 Synthesize audio for first DMR timeslot
REM 2 Synthesize audio for second DMR timeslot
REM 3 Synthesize audio for both DMR timeslots
REM - Toggle command line options display
REM | Toggle symbol phase display
REM P Toggle signal polarity
REM R Start/stop recording of raw input audio to .wav file. Use 'R' to make 60 second source recordings of tuning data.
REM F Backfill source audio display
REM S Close/reopen source audio waveform display
REM Spacebar Pause/unpause source audio waveform display
REM Esc Terminate real time decoding
EDIT: Forgot to mention (you probably know already), coordinates 0.0 is the top left corner of your primary monitor, so positive numbers move right and down as they increase, negative numbers move left and up (if you have multiple monitors).