UNITRUNKER (12-06-2015) - DOWNLOAD LINK - http://www.unitrunker.com/download/
Release 31 supports multiple VCOs and native USB support for the AirSpy.
Supporting multiple VCOs required separating VCO specific settings from broader receiver settings. For SDRs, each VCO's frequency must fit inside the SDR's usable bandwidth.
Other enhancements include the Hide feature, default theme change, and elimination of the Listen check box from the main program window Options tab. Read on for the details. Download link at the end.
MSI version format change: YY.MM.DD (you will need to uninstall release 30 first).
Separate VCO tab(s).
VCOs have independent frequency, squelch, mute and role settings.
Voice and signal roles are supported.
VCOs have independent analog and digital output paths.
VCO settings are persisted.
Scope tabs are now paired with their VCO tabs.
Don't waste cycles on zero frequency VCOs.
Each VCO has its own listening threshold.
VCOs have independent decode logs.
Oscilloscope tab frame rate is throttled to 20-ish frames per second (spare a few CPU cycles).
New prefix for decode logs - "Decode".
Fixed: Clear source ID at start of call triggered by continuation.
Call progress logic revised.
Microsoft OpenMP redistributable DLL is now bundled with the MSI.
Fix pen weirdness in Oscilloscope.
Smarter duplicate filtering for history grids.
Some EDACS denied calls displayed as busy. Denied phone patch failed to display as denial.
P25 Harris encoded call sign is displayed (thanks to talkpair).
Preliminary display of Harris P25 patches.
Installer now creates the "Unitrunker" folder under %APPDATA%. This bug only impacted fresh, new installs.
PRO668 and WS1080 added (re-badged PSR800).
Voice following now sensitive to whether a VCO can actually tune to the desired frequency.
Busy and deny were missing from site history.
Voice following: active call re-evaluates priority and lockout as call progresses.
Status field for receiver Info tab and for each VCO tab. VCO status will display "out of reach" for frequencies beyond the receiver's tuning window.
The "Listen" check box on the main Options tab is now gone.
Kick / Kill messages for Motorola and P25 display as "Inhibit" / "Uninhibit".
Fixed: P25 download placed sites under a SYSID of zero.
Fixed dispatch logic that prevented deny events from appearing in talk group history.
Turn off DMR / NXDN detection (thought I covered this but it was still there).
"Midnight" is now the default theme (for new installs). To use this theme, make the following edits to the previous theme.
swap data foreground and background colors.
swap caption foreground and background colors.
Tuner close event lost during receiver shut-down. Prevented program from exiting.
Patches grid: source label failed to paint in grid cell when empty.
Motorola roaming calls appeared as a log-in paired with a call grant (reported by Tom nd5y).
The configure XML version has been bumped to 1.3.
Hide check box for groups and users.
Hide check box on history grids.
"Kill" events in history grid now display more specific meaning: (eg. revoke, reinstate, inhibit, etc.)
Motorola calls now display an "R" suffix in the call type for roaming users.
Waveform shenanigans for DSD+.
Slight reduction in CPU demand.
Persist group and user hide check box.
Added "Roam" as a new logon status.
USB based receivers (AirSpy and Realtek) now stop when a USB error occurs (eg. cable unplugged).
Remote DLL API identifies VCO by index (0 to N - 1) for "N" VCOs.
Version function added to Remote DLL API.
Voice role VCO can listen to unit, group or both types of voice calls.
Can read release 30 and earlier Configure.xml. However, if you roll back to Release 30, you will need to redefine your receivers.
Patched calls supersede multi-select calls. Tolerates dispatcher/operator talking on a patched call via multi-select.
Fixed bug in Remote DLL calls for Control and Park (reported by Jason V.)
Logging of Motorola control channels was broken. [Glenn]
AirSpy Support
Multiple VCOs - 1 to 8
Sample rates: 2.5 or 10 msps
Gain settings
VGA 0-15
Mixer 0-15 or Auto
LNA 0-15 or Auto
Usable spectrum is 75% of sample rate
Display center frequency.
Status text.
Fixed: Extra VCOs shared same decode log.
Realtek Support
Multiple VCOs - 1 to 8
Choice of sample rates - 0.96 up to 2.56 msps (3.2 msps didn't work).
Usable spectrum is 75% of sample rate
Model field is now editable free text for RTL sticks.
Display center frequency.
Realtek "Drift Correct" applies to first VCO only.
Status text.
(Release Update) Unitrunker (12-06-2015)
- Posts: 1534
- Joined: Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:41 am
Re: (Release Update) Unitrunker (12-06-2015)
I run version 26.
I assume there is no real need to update unless I am running SDR (which i dont)
I dont like upgrading the versions too often unless there is a major breakthrough
I assume there is no real need to update unless I am running SDR (which i dont)
I dont like upgrading the versions too often unless there is a major breakthrough
Professional Scanner nut. Ibis bin chicken of radio scraps
Uniden 325P2, Whistler TRX-1, GRE PSR800 x 2, Uniden 780 x 3, Uniden 796, Uniden 396 x 2, Uniden 246,
DSD v2.368, Unitrunker, Trunkview
Uniden 325P2, Whistler TRX-1, GRE PSR800 x 2, Uniden 780 x 3, Uniden 796, Uniden 396 x 2, Uniden 246,
DSD v2.368, Unitrunker, Trunkview