Northern NSW Comms frequencies

Newcastle/Hunter Valley to Tweed Heads and Central West
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Northern NSW Comms frequencies

Post by cartman » Tue Feb 15, 2022 11:27 pm

I was up at Port Macquarie between February 4 and February 12.
Before i left i compiled a list of current comms frequencies for the north region between Bulahdelah and the Queensland border that i extracted from the ACMA database and MAPRAD.IO and added some known details for some frequencies, plus Coffs Harbour City Council P25 system.
In the distant past (say 10-15 years ago) there was extensive use of what I called "wide area comms" ... key up in Grafton and you could be heard a couple of hundred kilometres away in Port Macquarie through a linked repeater.
Since that time there have been new players in the market, slow switch from analog to digital platforms like P25, DMR and NXDN, as well as use of other technologies - eg data, 4G PTT cellular etc
I spent most of the time in Port Macquarie with the exception of a 1 day trip to Coffs Harbour with some brief scanning from Sealy lookout
I was actually underwhelmed how quiet it was, perhaps as a result of downturn in business activities associated with Covid, plus the fact that my mother's villa is at river level

If you live in the region covered, you might want to program the relevant frequencies for your area and see what is active.
My past experiences suggest that if you are in an elevated position and near the coast, its fairly common to hear a long way up and down the coast
I programmed my Uniden 396 for Fettell and Vertel and got some recurring hits on Fettell 486.325 off Mt Cairncross for Busways (especially school runs) and Vertel 472.950 at Halfway Creek for a recurring DMR noise (but no transmissions) plus what appeared to be a taxi or minibus hire on Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah - 485.3750

162.800000 - DMR DCC8 - John Nolan Comms - St Helena, Byron Bay
162.875000 - DMR DDC8 - John Nolan Comms - Springbrook
162.875000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Woolgoolga
162.912500 - Fettell Comms - Mt Yarrahapinni
162.912500 - Goodcom Comms - Mt Crawney
162.950000 - Goodcom Comms - Grundy Mt
162.975000 - Goodcom Comms - Tulcumba
163.175000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Woolgoolga
163.350000 - Goodcom Comms - Grundy Mt
163.362500 - Goodcom Comms - Mt Duval
163.375000 - Vertel - Boambee State Forest
163.400000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Mt Coramba
163.475000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Macauleys Headland
163.575000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Park Beach Coffs Harbour
163.625000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Woolgoolga
163.675000 - Vertel - Little Duval Mountain Dumaresq
163.750000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Mt Coramba
163.787500 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Macauleys Headland
163.850000 - DMR T3 CC DCC0 - Orion H2-122 - Gencom - Cabbage Tree Mt Bulahdelah
163.937500 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Sawtell
163.987500 - DMR T3 VC DCC0 - Orion H2-122 - Gencom - Cabbage Tree Mt Bulahdelah
164.000000 - DMR T3 CC DCC0 - Orion H2-123 - Gencom - Mt Crawney
164.150000 - Northern Rivers Comms - Coffs Harbour
164.225000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Mt Wondurrigah
164.237500 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Macauleys Headland
164.262500 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Sawtell
164.362500 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Mt Coramba
164.425000 - DMR T3 VC DCCO - Orion H2-123 - Gencom - Mt Crawney
164.462500 - Goodcom Comms - Walcha
164.575000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Woolgoolga
164.575000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Sawtell
164.575000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Macauleys Headland
164.575000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Mt Coramba
164.575000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Mt Wondurrigah
164.637500 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Mt Wondurrigah
164.737500 - Goodcom Comms - Walcha
165.050000 - P25 NAC 100 - Coffs Harbour City Council - Mt Wondurrigah
165.000000 - DMR DCC8 - John Nolan Comms - Alstonville
165.000000 - DMR DCC8 - John Nolan Comms - Wongawallan
165.050000 - DMR DCC8 - John Nolan Comms - Red Mountain, Kyogle
165.050000 - DMR DCC8 - John Nolan Comms - Mt Coot-Tha
165.200000 - Vertel - Mt Crawney Nundle
165.350000 - Vertel - Mt Crawney Nundle
165.500000 - Vertel - Mt Crawney Nundle
165.650000 - Vertel - Mt Crawney Nundle
165.800000 - Vertel - Mt Crawney Nundle
167.662500 - Metwide Comms - Tregeagle
167.962500 - Metwide Comms - Tregeagle
463.021875 - DMR DCC1 - Fettell Comms - Kempsey Hospital
463.625000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
464.696875 - DMR DCC1 - Fettell Comms - Mt Yarrahapinni
464.771875 - DMR DCC1 - Fettell Comms - Middle Brother
464.771875 - DMR DCC1 - Fettell Comms - Raleigh
464.921875 - DMR DCC1 - Fettell Comms - Jolly Nose
465.571875 - DMR DCC1 - Fettell Comms - Sealy Lookout Korora
465.671875 - DMR DCC1 - Fettell Comms - Mt Cairncross
466.250000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
466.621875 - DMR DCC1 - Fettell Comms - Mt Cairncross
466.850000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
467.496875 - DMR DCC1 - Fettell Comms - Port Macquarie
470.025000 - Vertel - Point Lookout Ebor
470.050000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Goonellabah
470.050000 - Vertel - Halfway Creek
470.150000 - NR Comms - South Grafton
470.187500 - John Nolan Comms - Red Mountain, Kyogle
470.200000 - Vertel - Dorrigo Mountain
470.325000 - Vertel - Halfway Creek
470.375000 - Vertel - Mt England
470.425000 - Vertel - Mt Yarrahapinni
470.475000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Koolkhan
470.756250 - NR Comms - Coombadjha
470.787500 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Koolkhan
470.800000 - John Nolan Comms - Parrots Nest near Lismore
470.825000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Buckombil Mountain
471.025000 - Vertel - Bowra Sugarloaf
472.250000 - NR Comms - Red Mountain, Kyogle
472.300000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - McLeods Shoot
472.325000 - NR Comms - Parrots Nest near Lismore
472.350000 - John Nolan Comms - Springbrook
472.362500 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - McLeods Shoot
472.362500 - NR Comms - Billinudgel
472.375000 - John Nolan Comms - St Helena, Byron Bay
472.400000 - Vertel - Halfway Creek
472.425000 - NR Comms - Goonellabah
472.425000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
472.450000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - North Teven via Ballina
472.575000 - Vertel - Boambee State Forest
472.625000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Parrots Nest near Lismore
472.675000 - Vertel - Mt Hyland
472.725000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
472.750000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Burringbar
472.775000 - Vertel - Halfway Creek
472.825000 - Vertel - Mid Sapphire
472.850000 - Vertel - Bowra Sugarloaf
472.875000 - John Nolan Comms - Alstonville
472.900000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Woodburn
472.950000 - Vertel - Halfway Creek - DMR?
472.950000 - Vertel - Little Duval Mountain Dumaresq
472.975000 - Vertel - Mt Hyland
473.000000 - Vertel - Mid Sapphire
473.150000 - Vertel - Mt Hyland
473.150000 - Vertel - Mt Cairncross
473.175000 - Vertel - Boambee State Forest
473.200000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Goonellabah
473.275000 - NR Comms - Pinebrush
473.325000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Byron Bay
473.325000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
473.375000 - NR Comms - Alstonville
473.375000 - Vertel - Mt Walker, Grange National Forest
473.400000 - NR Comms - McLeods Shoot
473.400000 - Vertel - Mid Sapphire
473.425000 - Vertel - Mt Walker, Grange National Forest
473.475000 - Vertel - Boambee State Forest
473.500000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Springbroook
473.550000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Woodburn
473.575000 - NR Comms - Pinebrush
473.575000 - NR Comms - Pee Dee
473.612500 - NR Comms - Alstonville
473.625000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
473.650000 - John Nolan Comms - Red Mountain, Kyogle
473.675000 - Vertel - Mt Walker, Grange National Forest
473.700000 - Vertel - Mid Sapphire
473.725000 - Fettell Comms - Forster
473.725000 - NR Comms - McLeods Shoot
473.775000 - Vertel - Boambee State Forest
473.825000 - Northern Rivers Comms - Burringbar
473.850000 - NR Comms - Buckombil Mt
473.875000 - NR Comms - Pinebrush
473.925000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
473.950000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - North Teven via Ballina
474.000000 - Vertel - Mid Sapphire
474.025000 - Vertel - Mt Walker, Grange National Forest
474.025000 - Vertel - Little Duval Mountain Dumaresq
474.050000 - Vertel - MT Yarrahapinni
474.075000 - Vertel - Boambee State Forest
474.100000 - Goodcom Comms - Walcha
474.125000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Springbroook
474.150000 - Vertel - Mt Cairncross
474.200000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Cairncross
474.225000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
474.262500 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Woombah
474.300000 - Vertel - Mid Sapphire
474.312500 - John Nolan Comms - Coopers Shoot, Byron Bay
474.350000 - NR Comms - Boambee (Sawtell)
474.350000 - NR Comms - Mt Tuting
474.375000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Homeleigh
474.375000 - Vertel - Boambee State Forest
474.450000 - Vertel - Mt Rumbee
474.450000 - Vertel - Mt Cairncross
474.525000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah
474.575000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Woombah
474.625000 - NR Comms - Cangai East
474.625000 - NR Comms - Burringbar
474.650000 - Vertel - MT Yarrahapinni
474.675000 - Vertel - Boambee State Forest
474.675000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Homeleigh
474.725000 - John Nolan Comms - St Helena, Byron Bay
474.750000 - NR Comms - Goonellabah
485.225000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Parrots Nest near Lismore
485.375000 - Vertel - Mt Wondurrigah - CTCSS 203.5 - Taxi hire
485.400000 - Fettell Comms - Jolly Nose
485.800000 - Vertel - Bellingen
486.325000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Cairncross CTCSS 210.7 - Busways
486.350000 - Fettell Comms - Jolly Nose
486.425000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Parrots Nest near Lismore
485.675000 - Gencom - Cabbage Tree Mt Bulahdelah
486.700000 - Fettell Comms - Laurieton
486.725000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Homeleigh
487.500000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Cairncross
487.525000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Byron Bay
487.600000 - NR Comms - Mt Yarrahapinni
487.625000 - Fettell Comms - Bruxner Coffs Harbour
487.675000 - Fettell Comms - Jolly Nose (used by Busways)
487.800000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Goonellabah
487.925000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Homeleigh
488.025000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Yarrahapinni
488.500000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Cairncross
488.525000 - Fettell Comms - Middle Brother
488.525000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - North Teven via Ballina
488.575000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Byron Bay
489.000000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Cairncross
489.100000 - NR Comms - Cangai East
489.125000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - North Teven via Ballina
489.175000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Byron Bay
489.825000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - North Teven via Ballina
490.300000 - Gencom - Gunnedah
490.600000 - Gencom - Mt Kaputar
491.700000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Cairncross
492.025000 - Gencom - Mt Helen Murrurundi
492.856250 - NR Comms - Boambee (Sawtell)
501.137500 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - North Teven via Ballina
502.162500 - Motorola Solutions - Wooyung
502.462500 - Motorola Solutions - Wooyung
502.762500 - Motorola Solutions - Wooyung
503.062500 - Motorola Solutions - Wooyung
503.362500 - Motorola Solutions - Wooyung
503.962500 - Motorola Solutions - Wooyung
505.037500 - Fettell Comms - Middle Brother
505.475000 - Fettell Comms - Middle Brother
505.500000 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Tregeagle
506.037500 - Fettell Comms - Middle Brother
506.512500 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Tregeagle
507.512500 - Northern Communications (Swancage) - Tregeagle
507.825000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Yarrahapinni
508.325000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Yarrahapinni
508.825000 - Fettell Comms - Mt Yarrahapinni
Professional Scanner nut. Ibis bin chicken of radio scraps
Uniden 325P2, Whistler TRX-1, GRE PSR800 x 2, Uniden 780 x 3, Uniden 796, Uniden 396 x 2, Uniden 246,
DSD v2.368, Unitrunker, Trunkview

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Re: Northern NSW Comms frequencies

Post by JAFO » Sat Feb 26, 2022 11:34 pm

I just did a 2400klm road trip up North to, Brisbane, West out to Warwick through to Mungindi and then back to Sydney.

The NSW GRN was nice and clear to listen to all the way up to Redback Planes in Brisbane's West, and out to Warwick and then got quiet once West of Warwick. I got driven around Brisbane by my host for the 3 days I was there, but for short 2hrs I was driving around Ipswich Monday morning . . . even though I was a wear Qld GRN Radio System was encrypted, I was a little surprised just how quiet it was, about the only local RT stuff I picked up was Amberly RAAF Base Tower a couple times.


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Re: Northern NSW Comms frequencies

Post by bennywaters » Tue Oct 03, 2023 6:14 pm

Thanks mate, fantastic list. I'll start adding them to my USDS100

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