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Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 10:09 pm
by matthewn1983
They frequently do a run like this from City CBD area to Sydney Airport, usually involving several evil kinevels, 4wds, highway patrol. all are suited up with tactical gear. escorting flatbed trucks with airfreight containers. god knows whats inside but good luck getting close. Ive seen them travel up Oxford St, darlinghurst, and as well as airport drive into the terminal somewhere. Never had the chance to scan when i see them as im usually in the middle of unloading truck when it happens.

Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:34 am
by Bigfella237
Chrisco wrote: ~ on P25 network this morning.after 702035 it had anther number 6 digit number after it. Would that be a I-call showing who is calling who ..ID:702035-XXXXXX

Yes... and no...

Yes I'd say it would be an i-call and yes the radio IDs should alternate until the i-call ends, then you will only see the calling radio's ID (if you'd pressed [HOLD] as you had).

And no because for some reason the 996T doesn't display P25 TRN RIDs properly, they seem to assume that you're on an old Type II trunk system and simply do the old 'add 700,000' trick to display the RID in Motorola format, trouble is that doesn't apply to a P25 trunk system where the RIDs are seven digits (in decimal) not six and no conversion is required, WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get)!

The 996XT scanners BTW do display P25 RIDs properly.


Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 6:55 am
by Chrisco
thanks Andrew for clearing that up

Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 3:35 pm
by astro_boy
Don’t know if this has been mentioned anywhere,

From the SES:

On the weekend of 20/21 November 2010 the GRN in Zone 1
Region goes digital. To prepare Units for the changeover some training
needs to occur. This training consists of theory and practical exercises
and will include;
· Revision on the current radio profile.
· What the new channel numbers in Zone 1 Region will be.
· Revision on theory of GRN.
· Improved audio quality and tail with GRN.
· Revision on changing Zones.
· Revision on changing Channels.
· Revision on how to make and receive a private call.
· Use of the smart buttons (user defined keys).

Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:03 pm
by Bigfella237
Thanks astro, is that NSWFB or ASNSW?

Either way, looks like we have an extra three weeks to wait!


Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:18 pm
by astro_boy
SES Sorry, should have added that.

Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:56 am
by Bigfella237
That would seem to lend credence to my theory that Sydney SES units visiting the South Coast during the recent storm cleanup were indeed using rental radios (RIDs beginning with 290xxxx)? If they hadn't yet migrated then you wouldn't expect all the radios to have had the profile upgrade?


Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 9:37 pm
by ivahri

SES radios have been upgraded- these were radios from a "spares" stock held by Motorola in Sydney for the SES to use in special events such as this. So yes, in one way they were "loan" radios but intended only for use by SES. My source for this is Moto...

Just because an agency hasn't migrated doesn't mean their radios haven't been upgraded. There is a schedule all agencies are working to & this has more to do with managing the load on the 4.1 & P25 networks then radio profiling. Most agencies are either now complete or close to being complete (except for Ambos) but there are network issues that need to be completed before the big 3 agencies all switch over. The big 2, Ambos & NSWFB are now not switching over until February- this was a mutually agreed decision (not due to any "stuff ups") to switch the biggest users over nearer to the finish. In that way sites like the tunnels can be switched over to P25 at the same time.



Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:17 am
by Bigfella237
ivahri wrote: ~ The big 2, Ambos & NSWFB are now not switching over until February- this was a mutually agreed decision (not due to any "stuff ups") to switch the biggest users over nearer to the finish. ~ Cheers, Richard
Yeah, that makes sense as a lot more sites would need extra P25 channels added leaving very few 4.1 channels (if any on some sites) which would be almost useless for the RTA and whoever else was supposed to migrate last.

Does that mean that some of the smaller "Phase III" agencies will be moved up to "Phase II" in place of ASNSW and NSWFB?

On a simular note, I heard a conversation the other day where a user was told not to continue making private calls on the P25 network as it tied up too much of the available resources! Ahh... it's so much simpler down the coast here where we're 100% P25!


Re: GRN P25 Pt2

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:13 pm
by ivahri
Hi Andrew,

There is no "Phase III" now as they will now move those very small agencies over at the same time as the big fellas.

They are trying hard to balance the load at the moment & there are a few sites that are struggling until they get switched totally across to P25. Private calls can wreak havoc on capacity but the network usually has the capacity to cope, but not right now. I heard about one guy who was listening to one agency's activities during the South Coast storms, while he was in northern Sydney. He was told to cease & desist! He was tying up a channel off, I think, Beecroft. They have my phone number in case I cause a nuisance while I'm monitoring... some of us listen as part of our job so need to be careful that we don't cause other agencies problems without realising it.

