Forum Rules; please read!

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Forum Rules; please read!

Post by scanSydney » Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:04 am

Rules? Why?
As much as we enjoy open chatter, there are specific limitations which we'd like users to adhere to. Every forum contains users with bad attitudes, so this rule set has been put in place to keep users civil and keep the forum flowing smoothly. Any evasion or constant rule breaking may result in a warning or ban.

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  • Discussing illegal activites; including, but not limited to MDT decoding, "how-to" methods of decrypting encrypted frequencies, monitoring and discussing military and high-level law enforcement agency frequencies and monitoring mobile phones/cordless phones--also discussing frequencies you know you shouldn't listening to.
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Re: Forum Rules; please read! [Draft]

Post by cartman » Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:41 pm

" ,,,, discussing and monitoring frequencies not listed on ACMA's database ... "

I am not sure that is a helpful description.

I am monitoring Wyong Shire Council's 5 channel MPT1327 on visits to the Central Coast and they are definitrly using at least 1 and possibly 2 frequencies that are not listed on the ACMA .... 488.7125 (ch 1 voice) if anybody from the ACMA is reading this

I think you might have to spell who is not to be discussed
There is a suprising anount of information on the internet for instance on Australian military radios eg the MBITR frequency-hopping radio that is using Type 1 encryption (which I think is higher than AES) in use by our services since the 2000 Olympics (see Thales website)
It also possible to glean a lot of information from magazines eg Austraian Defender (which I buy)
If you say no military frequencies (eg airforce, navy and army) and no high-level law enforcement users (eg elite elements of state police, federal agencies etc) might be a better description.
The other issue of course is that the new PSR500/600 scanner decodes NAC in a split second .... I am compiling a fascinating list of NACS of the encrypted kind in both the 468Mhz band and elsewhere. It is only a matter of time before the GRE firmware includes Radio ID decoding (already available for trunking). According to what I have read in say Daniel's P25 primer, the NAC and RID are not in the encrypted part of the packet data burst - which is why GRE is able to develop software/firmware to read it.
All I am saying is monitoring encrypyted frequencies is not an illegal activity in this country (unlike the US)

The ACMA database is also notorious for accidentally deleting frequencies (or least moving them into the not for publication frequency listing) eg Channel 23 468.4000 NSW Police has been missing for many months. Yet alpha is still pumping out on it, albeit encrypted most of the time. Usually they reappear but not always.

I think maybe "no military frequencies (eg airforce, navy and army) and no high-level law enforcement users (eg elite elements of state police, federal agencies etc)" or similar description might be a more helpful way forward.

Professional Scanner nut. Ibis bin chicken of radio scraps
Uniden 325P2, Whistler TRX-1, GRE PSR800 x 2, Uniden 780 x 3, Uniden 796, Uniden 396 x 2, Uniden 246,
DSD v2.368, Unitrunker, Trunkview

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Re: Forum Rules; please read! [Draft]

Post by citabria » Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:49 pm

cartman wrote: The other issue of course is that the new PSR500/600 scanner decodes NAC in a split second .... I am compiling a fascinating list of NACS of the encrypted kind in both the 468Mhz band and elsewhere. It is only a matter of time before the GRE firmware includes Radio ID decoding (already available for trunking). According to what I have read in say Daniel's P25 primer, the NAC and RID are not in the encrypted part of the packet data burst - which is why GRE is able to develop software/firmware to read it.
All I am saying is monitoring encrypyted frequencies is not an illegal activity in this country (unlike the US)

I agree 100% Grant...

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Re: Forum Rules; please read! [Draft]

Post by scanSydney » Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:26 pm

Thanks for the feedback guys. As I said, it's still in the draft stage, and is open to all the feedback! I'll make several amendments shortly, as you've stuck some important points which I didn't think about before. I agree with your more specific description of the 'monitoring/discussing encrypted frequencies' section, I'll change this segment.

The rules were somewhat written quickly--and I'm not the best at writing rules either. :P

But yeah, thanks again. I'll make some changes shortly.

EDIT: Changes have been made. Let me know.

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Re: Forum Rules; please read! [Draft]

Post by cartman » Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:44 am

The other example I can think that you should probably prevent discussion of is security information / arrangements for the high profile cultural icons that bring people to Sydney .... two or three major ones I can think of .... all P25 users now. They are the obvious ones.


PS You doing a great job with the Forum
Professional Scanner nut. Ibis bin chicken of radio scraps
Uniden 325P2, Whistler TRX-1, GRE PSR800 x 2, Uniden 780 x 3, Uniden 796, Uniden 396 x 2, Uniden 246,
DSD v2.368, Unitrunker, Trunkview

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