Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by centralcoastscanman » Fri Jul 30, 2010 4:25 pm

E=MC2 wrote:I think it is not a real good thing for anyone to steal anything kid or adult but put a kid in with adults would be a huge mistake as all this BS about the killing of the people who would be using this young bloke as a bitch is far from the real thing. The young bloke would be put with the knuckle dragger who is running the place and would be condoned by all the other rat's on the ship, as per The Sharp End, book by William Dodson who was a NSW Corrective Services Tactical Unit operator and then a member of the NSW Police TRG / SPG then went on too train the North Coast SPSG. It seems that the story about sexual predators being killed are more for the victim and family as these people seem to run the place and steal from each other and all the other stuff they did out of prison. If the community is unlucky enough that the young bloke did not hang himself before his release date we all now have a very very angry young bloke who may become a sexual predictor and may not be as keen on going back to being bitch again and now would be a much harder person than the young bloke the police came in contact with pre his bitch phase. I am not sure what the answer is as you can not put a old head on a young person but I dont think a trip to bitchville will be good for anyone but the knuckle dragger who has been given a young kid to keep his long cold winter nights a little better. 73z E=MC2
You cannot put a juvenile into an adult detention facility its as simple as that, hence why there are Juvenile Justice Detention Centres such as Kariong, Cobham etc...
The kids need to be sent to Juvenile Detention rather than being dealt with by the young offenders act, might give them a kick up the ass they need.

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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by rustynswrail » Fri Jul 30, 2010 5:09 pm

centralcoastscanman wrote:
E=MC2 wrote:I think it is not a real good thing for anyone to steal anything kid or adult but put a kid in with adults would be a huge mistake as all this BS about the killing of the people who would be using this young bloke as a bitch is far from the real thing. The young bloke would be put with the knuckle dragger who is running the place and would be condoned by all the other rat's on the ship, as per The Sharp End, book by William Dodson who was a NSW Corrective Services Tactical Unit operator and then a member of the NSW Police TRG / SPG then went on too train the North Coast SPSG. It seems that the story about sexual predators being killed are more for the victim and family as these people seem to run the place and steal from each other and all the other stuff they did out of prison. If the community is unlucky enough that the young bloke did not hang himself before his release date we all now have a very very angry young bloke who may become a sexual predictor and may not be as keen on going back to being bitch again and now would be a much harder person than the young bloke the police came in contact with pre his bitch phase. I am not sure what the answer is as you can not put a old head on a young person but I dont think a trip to bitchville will be good for anyone but the knuckle dragger who has been given a young kid to keep his long cold winter nights a little better. 73z E=MC2
You cannot put a juvenile into an adult detention facility its as simple as that, hence why there are Juvenile Justice Detention Centres such as Kariong, Cobham etc...
The kids need to be sent to Juvenile Detention rather than being dealt with by the young offenders act, might give them a kick up the ass they need.
There are times when a juvenile is dealt with according to law, rather than as a child. These are usually capital crimes, or crimes of extreme violence etc. Under those circumstances, and depending on the age of the child, greater than 16 years (or use to be, not sure what it is now) a juvenile can be sentenced to penal servitude (an adult institution) but in protective custody, until they reach the age of 18 when they enter the general prison population.

However under these circumstances (taking and using the fire appliance) a well placed size 10 to the rear end is more applicable. That and make the parents liable for any damage down by their children. Things might change then.

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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by centralcoastscanman » Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:26 pm

Thanks for the corrections(no pun intended) to what i'd said as that makes sense...

much prefer second option with the size 10 boot

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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by Bigfella237 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:43 pm

I don't know if I could find it on the web again but I read a document ages ago setting down all the requirements for juvenile detention centres and I could hardly believe what I was reading, they get way better facilities and treatment than most kids would at home... where's the punishment in that?

I have to agree with Rusty that the parents really should be held accountable but most don't seem to care what their children are doing out at night just so long as the welfare cheques keep coming? I've talked to local coppers and they're more disheartened with the system than anyone else, it was mentioned that most of the time when these juveniles are taken home to their parents they're out the back door and back on the streets before the coppers are!

What ever happened to the old days when the local sarge would stick his size 10 boot in your backside, then take you home and you'd cop another one from the old man... by todays standards that might sound harsh but really it was better for all concerned; it was a lesson better learned and you didn't actually end up with a record that would come back and bite you in the arse ten years later when you went for a job.


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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by E=MC2 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:55 pm

The size 10 is by far the best way to deal with this bloke in this case, but these days the Police officer could quite likely end up in court on much more serious charges than the kid on a joy ride. Sadly gone are the days of kid respecting anyone in the job, back when the 21 Division was around kids would fear them and respect them even if you never ever saw one, they were like sharks at Bondi everyone knows that they are there so most use there heads and lesson the chance of hooking up with one by no drawing attention to themselves. I worked with a few blokes who were stationed around the Cobham feeder area and it was known by all in the job as Disneyland, the kids had more good stuff in there for being knuckle heads than a kid who was doing it hard but doing the right thing. 73z E=MC2

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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by JAFO » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:11 pm

Oh you guys, you should try living in my shoes, my wife works is the child protection field, what type of conversations do you think go on at our place, a husband who use to work security in shopping centres and Uni’s and now the Fire Brigade, see’s all these little shits out and about at 2am in the morning, stealing cars, setting houses alight and other crap and then on the other side a wife out to save them and keep the family unit together . . . . . oh thank god for shift work that allows us to see each other once or twice a week to keep the peace.


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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by centralcoastscanman » Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:14 pm

your wife deserves a gold medal grant, I see only a small amount of stuff DOCS and child protection do at work and its a bloody hard thankless job sometimes...

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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by E=MC2 » Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:19 pm

your wife deserves a gold medal Grant !

Amen to that.

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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by criten » Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:24 pm

Damn I missed the party.

Seriously though, what ****ing ****s

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Re: Drunk teen steals 14-tonne fire engine (Blue Mountains)

Post by JAFO » Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:41 pm

Things are slowly changing too with the Juvenile Justice Detention Centres from what I have heard.

The problem within the Juvenile Detention Centre is that as a Custodial Youth Officer you have no more rights or authority under the Juvenile Justice Act then any other Youth Worker on the street, which means abuse, insults and failure to comply with programmes by Juvenile In-mates is ripe, as there is no harsh come back on the in-mates unless physically assault or threatening of Custodial Youth Officers occur.

From what I have heard, the Kariong facility which is now run by the Department of Corrective Services and Staffed by Department of Corrective Services Prison Guards is now know as where all the Bad Boys Go if they do not behave themselves within any other Detention Centres. With Kariong Custodial Management now being provided by the Department of Corrective Services, Juvenile In-mates are subjected to the same consequences and reprimand as any Adult Prisoner in an Adult Prison, where extra time on their sentence can be added for minor infringements such as verbal abuse and not attending school lessons and programs etc.

Due to the fact that the Kariong Juvenile Justice Detention Centres has been such an success it has been talked about handing the high security sections of all Juvenile Detention Centres to the Department of Corrective Services.


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